
Why am I thinking of breaking news at 11 pm?

Obviously, I'm not a cable-company exec, so I don't know how these deals work. And I'm sure that there aren't a lot of people ready to picket the MetroCenter offices of Comcast because they don't have certain obscure channels on their digital package that other area cable companies who are supposedly far inferior carry. But dammit, I want CNN International! If nothing else, I'd just like it so that I could get live coverage of a 6.8 earthquake in Japan instead of a repeat of NASCAR Night on "Larry King Live".

Plus CNN/I actually has continuing coverage during nighttime (for the US) and weekend hours. CNN-US has just recently figured out that people with hangovers on Saturday morning don't want to hear about how much money they're not making with economics shows, so they're gone, but I did not want to hear about Angelina Jolie's love life all weekend on the same rerun of "People in the News". Plus there are other channels I'd like to see again, like Trio (is it still around?) If I can have five versions of VH-1, can't I have these two? Please?

1 comment:

Michael Hickerson said...

Well, until Comcast gets a competitor, we're kind of at their mercy as to what they will and won't put on the cable system. And, of course, without competition that also means Comcast can continue to drive up prices without offering any more services or channels.

But that said...I cannot live without my cable. It's one of those things that is a necessity in life...if only for ESPN for college football and SciFi for BSG.