
A Wee Bit 'o News

I don't do very well tooting my own horn, but Brittney from NIT said that I needed to on this one, so I'll take her word on it. In short, I can now say that I'm an Emmy-nominated producer, thanks to a website special section that Jackie Pillars and I did for a weather special last spring.

A few things I've been asked since receiving the nomination last Friday, and the answers:
- Yes, I'm beyond excited, and very shocked. But no, I don't think I have a "special glow", except for maybe some chapped cheeks from the cold.
- No, I won't be on TV. This is the Midsouth Regional Emmys, and while I think it may be shown on some Nashville channel, it won't be on in Atlanta.
- No, I don't know what I'm going to wear (a makeover may be in order.) And no, I also don't have a date yet, but I am now accepting applications. I think free drinks are involved.
- I highly doubt I will win. Not false modesty here, but my competition's really stiff, and this is truly one of those "it's an honor just to be nominated" things.
- In the unlikely event that I do, I will string a big fat gold chain through the globe part and wear the Emmy around my neck. A girl needs to have her bling. ;)

In case y'all are reading this, thanks to Jackie for creating this section with me, and to Jeff for all his work in submitting the entry, and my bosses for judging it worthy to represent the station. Also thanks to my sister for all her moral support, and the friends who kicked my butt when I needed it.


Anonymous said...

I'm still over the moon for you.

--Lisa :)

ariedana said...

Thanks hon!

Michael Hickerson said...

Congratulations on the nomination. You deserve it. You do a kick-ass job for News 2 and I'm glad that people are realizing that. :)

Busy Mom said...

Wow! That is really great!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dana. Is the special section still viewable?

ariedana said...

Thanks, guys! And no, Terry - it was for our "Spring Storm Quiz", so it's a bit out-of-date. Might pull it outta the mothballs for viewing if there's a demand for it, though.

Steph said...

Congratulations Dana!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. You did a great job on that project and the nomination is well deserved. Now, we'll just have to think of something to say if we win... hmm, I have some ideas.

ariedana said...

Heh, we'll have to figure that out, Jackie....

And thanks everyone!