
I miss all the good stuff

Wow, I leave work early today with the flu and take the past 12 hours off from the internet and news, except for the occasional email, and what happens? Gretzky and Lemieux save the NHL! Amazing! Tell you what guys, I'm still sick, so I probably won't be around much for the weekend. Why don't y'all bring peace to the Middle East too? Or sanity to American politics? Or at the very least, get Bugs Bunny back for me?

Note: Blame my liberal use of sarcasm on the hour and the high fever. Obviously, I know this has been in the works behind the scenes since Bettman said his "famous last words". It's just weird to get a phone call from a friend asking me if I knew that the season's been uncanceled. That's just about as surreal as the morning I got on the internet and saw the name Monica Lewinsky for the first time.


Anonymous said...

And did they save the NHL season? Did they fuck.

ariedana said...

I wasn't sure that it was possible for the league to behave more shamefully than they already had, but I was wrong. They shouldn't have left that room without an agreement, period. Absolutely disgusting.