
An Open Letter

To whomever tried to remove my bumper stickers in the Donelson Y parking lot this afternoon:

I guess you thought you were being clever. After all, you probably disagreed with the sentiment that "My Kids Can't Afford For Me To Vote Republican." (incidentally, I have no living children, but the bumper sticker was on behalf of my future kids...not that you would know this.) And since the election is over, you probably thought you would be helpful and remove my Kerry-Edwards sticker for me, right? Well, forgive me if I don't thank you.

I'm not sure if you care very much about the concept of free speech, but it's something I care very deeply in. And it not only applies to what you write in the newspaper or say on television, but what you put on your car. Personally, there's a lot of bumper stickers that I see in this town that I really don't like. I've seen some pro-war, anti-Arab sentiment that's chapped my craw, so to speak. And I really, really loved those "Don't Be A Girlie-Man - Vote Republican" stickers soooo much the last few weeks of October. But I would never think about touching your car. Because it's your right to put things on there as you see fit, just like it's my right to curse under my breath when I see it. Because I actually believe in the First Amendment for all.

But I do appreciate your help in one way. Since one of my stickers was torn in half thanks to you, I now have to put up a replacement. And you are definitely not going to like it. A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine pointed me toward this site with Religious Left merchandise. And I'll be sure to pick out the most obnoxiously liberal item on the site, just for you.

The Girl With the Brown Minivan


Anonymous said...

Hell yeah, girl!


Anonymous said...

You need to write you a country song about tha...oh, wait. Never mind.