
Hurricane Dennis Coverage

HurricaneNow.com claims that they'll have live streaming coverage as Dennis moves ashore. Unencumbered by the issues of large satellite trucks and stuff, they plan to move up and down the coast to wherever the eye finally comes to shore. I'm kind of interested in how this will work especially when the area loses power (and presumably highspeed Net access.) They also have email alerts and RSS feeds for their updates.

I have to admit to being a bit of a hurricane watcher. Having only been in one (Fran) around 100 miles inland, I've never personally had the full shoreline experience. My main sadness (other than the fact that Dennis is targeting my favorite part of the Panhandle, an area already more than battered from last year) is that Anderson Cooper is probably in London or traveling back, and I'd imagine he won't be doing CNN's coverage tomorrow night. His live hurricane reporting rocks.

EDIT: CNN has a Hummer set up as "Hurricane One" with some sort of bubble hydraulic system set up to keep a satellite shot going through the worst of it. I'm seriously in love, even if it does seem to be quite buggy. Satellite shots out of the parking lot of the Pensacola mall aren't cutting it for me.

I'm kinda intrigued that CNN is billing themselves as the "Hurricane HQ" and is doing wall-to-wall coverage of nothing but Dennis. It's smart, in a way, because the other two networks' coverage, frankly, sucks. But you're competing with the Weather Channel, and if you're south of here, other markets are probably simulcasting stations on the coast (when I was in Atlanta during Labor Day, I spent a migrained afternoon in my hotel room watching a simulcast out of a Florida station of Frances.) So I'm interested in how the ratings on this come out.

I would like to point out to the news networks that if we're watching continuous coverage, like you would if you're affected by a hurricane, we can tell when you air one package two or three times.

Anderson Cooper's now in Pensacola! *acts very fangirlish for a moment*

Screw it, it looks like Dennis is going to target my very favorite part of Florida - Navarre Beach. That's where I spent a lovely spring break Way Back Then with my aunt (yeah, my vacations are usually pretty tame) and absoultely loved it. I hope the sand bars survive. This is actually very depressing.

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