
Perfect for the Insomniac

Highlander in 30 seconds. Reenacted by bunnies.

And since I'm now eating an inordinate amount of ramen noodles, here's a site with a zillion things you can do with ramen, including cooking it in beer (?) and some interesting looking candy Choco-ramen things. Some of the stuff defies the "eating for less than $5 a day" thing, but they also sound pretty delicious, especially since my Shrimp Ramen with Cajun seasoning is getting a wee bit monotonous. And through that site, I also found a really great place for Japanese tea.

Speaking of which, I wonder if decaf green tea cures insomnia? *toddles to the kitchen*


Michael Hickerson said...

I've got some older Dr Who that will cure it for you....

Don't get me wrong--I love Dr Who. But some of the stuff in the 60s was slow moving and is just teh perfect cure for insomnia.

ariedana said...

The best-known cure for insomnia is cricket. 10 minutes of a game on Fox Soccer Channel, and I'm out like a light.

Michael Hickerson said...

There's a whole channel for soccer?!?

And yet we can't get the new Dr Who in the States...yeah, that's fair!