
Damn you, CNN!

When news junkies have spent three days watching a guy hanging out on top of a construction crane blocks from your studios, we do not want to see a Breaking News crawl when he finally comes down. We want to see him come down live, dammit! We don't want to watch a rerun of Aaron Brown. He was boring the first time around!

Of course, I am the only person in America sitting at home, drinking rum and watching this guy hanging out on his little white crane on Peachtree. So you probably shouldn't listen to me anyway.

Grudging love (but just for Anderson Cooper, who I always adore),


Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm more of a Dan Abrams fan, but CNN junkie I am as well! :) I live in Nashville as well- cool site btw- I dig it.

ariedana said...

Thanks! I like Abrams also - he's the only crime-beat guy I consistantly watch.